Sunday, January 3, 2010

An Introduction to Our Family

Well, as I've said in my profile - I'm almost 44, I am a full-time mom to 7, YES that was SEVEN children. Now before someone blasts me with "how dare you have that many kids this day in age" - 4 of these children came into my life already born and nearly grown to teenagers. They are mine in my heart only... which one day we hope to change via the legal system.

I am deeply committed to their father, and our "ready-made" family. I'm even more committed to helping people understand what its like to cope with a severely emotionally disabled child - and what joys that brings to our lives on a daily basis.

I hope, with this blog to express my joys, concerns, hopes, and dreams - in an effort to show everyone out there that reads it - living with special needs children is a challenge to anyone... but it's also one of the most admirable jobs a woman (or man) can take on. So... with that said - let me give you an introduction to our sometimes dysfunctional family... "We put the FUN in dysfunction!"

I will introduce my children only by initials, please don't ask for names - I don't care to share that information on the web, thank you!

KD - this is my oldest natural child; she's 25 and lives on her own with her boyfriend M in Florida.

JR - this is my only natural son; he's 21 (almost 22) he is planning to leave for Job Corp in a few weeks, which is good because if he doesn't do something to make his own money soon I'm sending him to his daddy.

JC - this is my youngest natural child; she is 18 married and has my a beautiful son named JJ who is the light of my life and my heart... I did not see her for 11 years, and the reunion and restoration of my family has only just begun!
JB - my son-in-law, who lives in KY with JC, JJ, and S&L his parents. Currently he has a full-time job with L (his mom), and hopes that it will be permanent, but it's factory work, so that's not a given.

SM - this is my oldest step-son, soon to be 18 and a parent... yes, he and his girlfriend, M, got in some trouble - but that trouble has produced a beautiful little girl ED. Currently SM and M reside in FL with my wonderful SO's parents W&G.
SG - my sweet middle step-son, recently turned 15, and as with all "teens" he's a handful - he has some severe anger management issues.
PJ - this is my step-daughter, 16 and every bit a demanding, evil, I don't like you anymore, teen aged girl! She was diagnosed bi-polar at 7 and is being treated medically and therapeutically. She is preparing to and apply for her first foray into the workforce.
DW - ahhhh... my darling youngest step-son... He is 14, but in some ways he's only 7 or so... DW and SG suffered horrible abuse at the hands of their mother for 8 years - and DW has been diagnosed as PTSD, Bi-polar with psychotic tendencies, ADD, OCD, and PDD (for those "not in the know" PDD is Pervasive Developmental Disorder - not otherwise specified) Atypically, this is Ausbergers Autism.
We are also the proud owners of several "fur babies":
Bosco - our wonderfully dumb 2 year old male lab/boxer mix... he's very protective of his family, but a big ball of love!
Lilly - PJ's dog, Lilly is about 2 years old. She's a full blood German Shepherd with a serious "people" phobia. Once she gets to know you, she's sweet as she can be, until then... don't look or she'll run... but she's under your chair!
Grace - our 5 year old "Grand Dame" of the family, she's a Miniature Pincher by breed - and a Rottweiler heart.
Kittie, a rescue from a friend she is a cat in doggie clothing! Kittie climbs curtains, sleeps on top of the sofa, and loves to lay on the fireplace hearth to sleep. She's our comic relief, and in some ways DW's best friend.
Tucker - PJ's cat... Tucker is also fondly known as "starey cat" because of his penchant for starting and winning staring contests with the children.
Shakespeare - JC's cat - he's got ice blue eyes and is sortof like a short-hair Siamese, with a raccoon tail! He's an angel and we'll miss him when my son finally takes him to live with him.
Magi - the Queen of Cats... She's 11 years old, after losing her life partner, Bagheerah, in an accident 7 years ago she's been a sad "old lady". She never bonded with any other cats or humans other than my son or I -- she's the grandma of the bunch and cause for lots of opportunities to clean.

So that's it by way of introduction and quite enough for a first post. I look forward to your comments and visits, and hope with all my heart that something here sticks with you, and helps in some way.

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